Returns & Exchanges
Please inspect your order once it arrives (within 72 hours). Contact us by phone at 970-219-5812 or email at if any damage has occurred or if there is an error with your order (e.g. wrong item was shipped). We will work with you to replace it or refund you as quickly as possible!
ReturnsIf you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, contact us and return it within 30 days after you receive it. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept any returns after this time period.
To return an item, please contact We will reply to your email with instructions for returning it to us as well as provide you with a return label (in applicable situations). Once your return arrives, we will process a refund to your original payment method. Original shipping fees are non-refundable.
Please note, that if your return is damaged or used, we will not be able to issue you a refund. Additionally, please make sure your return is in its original packaging.
ExchangesIf you wish to exchange an item in your order for another variant or product, please contact us at We will reply to your email with instructions. Please note that we cannot exchange products that are damaged or used!